All Vigets

Kelly Kenny

Kelly Kenny


  • The night swimmersPositive Sentiment
    The night swimmers

    Betsy Cromer Byars

    Kelly raced through The Swimmers over the weekend, finding it an easy and quick read.

  • The Paper PalacePositive Sentiment
    The Paper Palace

    Miranda Cowley Heller

    Kelly also raced through The Paper Palace last weekend and enjoyed it.

  • Tulsa burningPositive Sentiment
    Tulsa burning

    Anna Myers

    Kelly is excited to go to Tulsa with the kids this fall and is thankful for grabbing a book from the library last weekend.

  • Lingua vigetNeutral Sentiment
    Lingua viget

    Kelly had a hard time with the beginning of Viget but tore through it once finally getting into it.

  • The Dupin mysteriesPositive Sentiment
    The Dupin mysteries

    Edgar Allan Poe

    Kelly wants to read a fun and compelling murder mystery more than the book mentioned.

  • The great American fraudNeutral Sentiment
    The great American fraud

    Samuel Hopkins Adams

    Kelly is feeling pressure to start and finish 'The Fraud' in the next two days due to high demand.

  • The Great GatsbyPositive Sentiment
    The Great Gatsby

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Kelly loved the complexity and depth of The Great Gatsby, calling it a timeless classic.

  • Moby DickNegative Sentiment
    Moby Dick

    Herman Melville

    Kelly found Moby Dick challenging and overwhelming, struggling to connect with the story.

  • Zero DayNeutral Sentiment
    Zero Day

    David Baldacci

    Kelly thought this was going to be Zero Days, a thriller focusing on hackers and penetration specialists.

  • Liber null & psychonautNeutral Sentiment
    Liber null & psychonaut

    Peter J. Carroll

    Kelly found the book familiar due to previous readings but enjoyed the split between present day and past.

  • Magpie murdersNeutral Sentiment
    Magpie murders

    Anthony Horowitz

    Kelly started a journey long ago in a Florida airport after picking up Magpie Murders on a whim.

  • Line to KillNeutral Sentiment
    Line to Kill

    Anthony Horowitz

    Kelly wrapped up A Line to Kill and is now working on finishing The Twist of a Knife.

  • The Twist of a KnifeNeutral Sentiment
    The Twist of a Knife

    Anthony Horowitz

    Kelly is currently working on finishing The Twist of a Knife as part of the series by Anthony Horowitz.

  • Liber null & psychonautPositive Sentiment
    Liber null & psychonaut

    Peter J. Carroll

    Kelly took Piper to pick up holds at the library. Piper expressed gratitude, saying 'thanks, mom, you won't regret this!'

  • Great ExpectationsPositive Sentiment
    Great Expectations

    Charles Dickens

    Kelly thought Great Expectations was a classic novel with a captivating plot.

  • Moby DickNegative Sentiment
    Moby Dick

    Herman Melville

    Kelly found Moby Dick to be overly long and tedious in its descriptions of whaling.

  • 1984Neutral Sentiment

    Michael Dean

    Kelly thought 1984 was thought-provoking but somewhat depressing.

  • Summary of the MidcoastPositive Sentiment
    Summary of the Midcoast

    Gerald B. Johnson

    Kelly enjoyed reading The Midcoast and finished it over the weekend.

  • Other AmericansPositive Sentiment
    Other Americans

    Laila Lalami

    Kelly is enjoying The Other Americans. A maestra of literary fiction combines a riveting police procedural with a sensitive examination of contemporary life in California's Mojave Desert region.

  • Liber null & psychonautNeutral Sentiment
    Liber null & psychonaut

    Peter J. Carroll

    Kelly discussed with a local NPR woman about local indie bookshops facing conflict in carrying a certain book while wanting to promote alternative options.

  • This Side of ParadiseNeutral Sentiment
    This Side of Paradise

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Kelly finally finished this book on the plane, but struggled to get into it.

  • Lingua vigetNeutral Sentiment
    Lingua viget

    Kelly mentioned Viget and wonders if there is a special edition for <@U0255M8JK>.

  • Liber null & psychonautNeutral Sentiment
    Liber null & psychonaut

    Peter J. Carroll

    Kelly found the Osage content to be new and informative, sparking an interest to read more.

  • Bingo BooksPositive Sentiment
    Bingo Books

    Dawn Houskeeper

    Kelly just got an email about the library's newest 'get reading' campaign and feels like <@U0255M8JK> could make a great custom book bingo for exploring new genres.

  • Five Children and ItNeutral Sentiment
    Five Children and It

    Edith Nesbit

    Kelly gave up on a book but still thinks about it sometimes and may return to it one day, not this summer.

  • Vanishing HalfPositive Sentiment
    Vanishing Half

    Brit Bennett

    Kelly is excited to read The Vanishing Half this weekend.