All Books

The night swimmers

Betsy Cromer Byars

The night swimmers


1 Negative Sentiment
4 Neutral Sentiment
2 Positive Sentiment
  • Kelly KennyPositive Sentiment
    Kelly Kenny

    Kelly raced through The Swimmers over the weekend, finding it an easy and quick read.

  • Cindy CaldwellNegative Sentiment
    Cindy Caldwell

    Cindy couldn't finish reading The Swimmers halfway through and bailed, curious to hear others' opinions for book club discussion.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura noted The Swimmers for 8/1 release.

  • Carolyn HackNeutral Sentiment
    Carolyn Hack

    Carolyn mentioned reading The Swimmers first based on library due dates.

  • Noah OverNeutral Sentiment
    Noah Over

    Noah mentioned 'The Swimmers' in discussing conflicting meeting times with the Falls Church TTT.

  • Noah OverPositive Sentiment
    Noah Over

    Noah is looking forward to The Swimmers, as it looks really interesting.

  • Noah OverNeutral Sentiment
    Noah Over

    Noah has picked up a copy of The Swimmers for book club.