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Darby Krugel

Viget Alum

Darby Krugel


  • Liber null & psychonautNeutral Sentiment
    Liber null & psychonaut

    Peter J. Carroll

    Darby mentioned that the book was published and seemed happy about it.

  • Liber null & psychonautNeutral Sentiment
    Liber null & psychonaut

    Peter J. Carroll

    Darby shared her personal project survey analysis Notion page, inviting questions and discussions post-internship. Thanking for help and support.

  • The Great GatsbyPositive Sentiment
    The Great Gatsby

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Darby enjoyed The Great Gatsby, praising its intricate plot and well-developed characters.

  • To Kill a MockingbirdNeutral Sentiment
    To Kill a Mockingbird

    Harper Lee

    Darby found To Kill a Mockingbird interesting, but it didn't leave a lasting impression.

  • Liber null & psychonautNeutral Sentiment
    Liber null & psychonaut

    Peter J. Carroll

    Darby compared To Kill a Mockingbird to The Great Gatsby, noting some similarities in the story and character development.

  • The Great GatsbyPositive Sentiment
    The Great Gatsby

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Darby loved the intricate details and captivating characters in The Great Gatsby.

  • Pride and PrejudiceNeutral Sentiment
    Pride and Prejudice

    Jane Austen

    Darby found Pride and Prejudice to be a classic read but lacked excitement.