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On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous

Ocean Vuong

On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous


0 Negative Sentiment
1 Neutral Sentiment
3 Positive Sentiment
  • Tammy DingPositive Sentiment
    Tammy Ding

    Viget Alum

    Tammy found Ocean Vuong's On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous an absolutely stunning prose that reads like poetry, elucidating history and trauma in bicultural immigrant families alongside a queer coming-of-age story.

  • Mai anh NguyenPositive Sentiment
    Mai anh Nguyen

    Viget Alum

    Mai is savoring On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, finding the lyrical paragraphs delightful and continuously drawn to the words.

  • Mai anh NguyenPositive Sentiment
    Mai anh Nguyen

    Viget Alum

    Mai is really excited to read On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous.

  • Pascale GeorgesNeutral Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale mentions On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous in comparison to another book but does not provide a direct comment.