All Books

The Mother Tongue

Bill Bryson

The Mother Tongue


0 Negative Sentiment
11 Neutral Sentiment
5 Positive Sentiment
  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura is excited to check out The Mothers on 4/27.

  • Emily BloomNeutral Sentiment
    Emily Bloom

    Emily recently finished 'The Mothers'.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura is planning to start re-reading The Mothers.

  • Peyton ChanceNeutral Sentiment
    Peyton Chance

    Viget Alum

    Peyton plans to read The Mothers this weekend.

  • Peyton ChancePositive Sentiment
    Peyton Chance

    Viget Alum

    Peyton started The Mothers this weekend and is already invested.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura is looking forward to reading The Mothers on 4/27.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura mentioned that she hopes the reader will join the book club in April to discuss The Mothers, which she also found great.

  • J SpollPositive Sentiment
    J Spoll

    Viget Alum

    Justin just finished reading The Mothers and enjoyed it.

  • Becky Bowring RadnaevPositive Sentiment
    Becky Bowring Radnaev

    Viget Alum

    Becky finished The Mothers and found it absorbing, making her want to write a book like Brit Bennett.

  • Becky Bowring RadnaevNeutral Sentiment
    Becky Bowring Radnaev

    Viget Alum

    Becky just got The Mothers from the library and may start with that book.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura will be leading a discussion on The Mothers tomorrow. Join us on Zoom to share your thoughts and reflections.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura reminded everyone about the upcoming discussion on The Mothers, scheduled for 4/27. Please confirm your readiness for the meeting.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura mentioned that she was in her early-mid 20s when she wrote The Mothers.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura compared The Mothers to The Vanishing Half, mentioning it's also a great read with interesting characters.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura recommends The Mothers as a compelling read.