All Books

Kitchens of the great Midwest

J. Ryan Stradal

Kitchens of the great Midwest


0 Negative Sentiment
3 Neutral Sentiment
2 Positive Sentiment
  • Laura LightyPositive Sentiment
    Laura Lighty

    Laura is enjoying Kitchens of the Great Midwest on audio with great voice actors.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura is considering starting Kitchens of the Great Midwest in either ebook or audiobook format borrowed from the library.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura is excited to read Kitchens of the Great Midwest for the upcoming book club meeting on 4/30.

  • Hannah ByersNeutral Sentiment
    Hannah Byers

    Hannah plans to read Kitchens of the Great Midwest next.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura announced our next book club selection, Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stradal for discussion on April 30th.