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How Do You Live?

Genzaburō Yoshino

Neil Gaiman

How Do You Live?


0 Negative Sentiment
2 Neutral Sentiment
1 Positive Sentiment
  • Elyse KamibayashiNeutral Sentiment
    Elyse Kamibayashi

    Viget Alum

    Elyse shares How Do You Live? by Yoshino Genzaburo as a favorite AAPI read.

  • Pascale GeorgesNeutral Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale is adding How Do You Live? to their book club with H.

  • Elyse KamibayashiPositive Sentiment
    Elyse Kamibayashi

    Viget Alum

    Elyse found How Do You Live to be absolutely fantastic, wise, and sweet, possibly Miyazaki's favorite book from childhood.