All Books

The Martian Chronicles

Ray Bradbury

The Martian Chronicles


0 Negative Sentiment
3 Neutral Sentiment
3 Positive Sentiment
  • Henry Bley-VromanPositive Sentiment
    Henry Bley-Vroman

    Viget Alum

    Henry found The Martian very engaging and unpredictable.

  • Henry Bley-VromanPositive Sentiment
    Henry Bley-Vroman

    Viget Alum

    Henry highly recommends The Martian as perfectly suited to audiobook.

  • Mariel A. de la GarzaNeutral Sentiment
    Mariel A. de la Garza

    Viget Alum

    Mariel mentions The Martian but has only seen the movie. The idea of a guy alone in space dealing with a BIG PROBLEM is similar.

  • J SpollPositive Sentiment
    J Spoll

    Viget Alum

    J really enjoyed The Martian as a favorite book.

  • Cindy CaldwellNeutral Sentiment
    Cindy Caldwell

    Cindy also mentioned The Martian in relation to Artemis.

  • Jackson FoxNeutral Sentiment
    Jackson Fox

    Jackson mentioned re-reading a past favorite book like The Martian.