All Books

Where the crawdads sing

Delia Owens

Where the crawdads sing


1 Negative Sentiment
12 Neutral Sentiment
11 Positive Sentiment
  • Cindy CaldwellNeutral Sentiment
    Cindy Caldwell

    Cindy has Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens on her table, even though she's late to the game with this one.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura enjoyed the beautiful prose and captivating story in Where the Crawdads Sing.

  • Emily BloomNeutral Sentiment
    Emily Bloom

    Emily is currently listening to 'Where the Crawdads Sing'.

  • Mel SouthernNeutral Sentiment
    Mel Southern

    Viget Alum

    Mel recently learned about the filming of Where the Crawdads Sing in Louisiana.

  • Stephanie FoisNeutral Sentiment
    Stephanie Fois

    Stephanie's review of Where The Crawdads Sing was mixed, mentioning the beautiful prose but feeling the plot was slow.

  • J SpollNeutral Sentiment
    J Spoll

    Viget Alum

    J is considering reading Where the Crawdads Sing next.

  • Ryan SchaeferPositive Sentiment
    Ryan Schaefer

    Viget Alum

    Ryan thinks 'Where the Crawdads Sing' is really great and so evocative.

  • Pascale GeorgesPositive Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale recommends reading Crawdads, a quick read that could lead to interesting discussions.

  • J SpollNeutral Sentiment
    J Spoll

    Viget Alum

    J finished reading Where the Crawdads Sing last night and enjoyed it overall, but thinks it could have been written better.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura enjoyed the vivid descriptions of nature and the mysterious plot twists in Where the Crawdads Sing.

  • Lindsay HollowayNeutral Sentiment
    Lindsay Holloway

    Viget Alum

    Lindsay wants to know how 'Where the Crawdads Sing' is perceived by others.

  • Pascale GeorgesNegative Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale found Crawdads to be unexpectedly soapy and not to their liking.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura loved the beautiful prose and vivid descriptions in Where the Crawdads Sing.

  • Pascale GeorgesPositive Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale loved the atmospheric setting and coming-of-age story in Delia Owens' Where the Crawdads Sing.

  • Pascale GeorgesNeutral Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale found Where the Crawdads Sing to be a decent beach read type of book.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura enjoyed reading Where the Crawdads Sing, saying it was a beautifully written mystery that captivated her from the start.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura highly recommends Where the Crawdads Sing, a beautifully written novel that captivates readers with its vivid descriptions of nature.

  • Pascale GeorgesNeutral Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale mentioned Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens as a potential movie adaptation with Daisy Edgar Jones.

  • Cindy CaldwellNeutral Sentiment
    Cindy Caldwell

    Cindy circled Where the Crawdads Sing as a book she'd like to read.

  • Stephanie FoisNeutral Sentiment
    Stephanie Fois

    Stephanie mentions Where The Crawdads Sing is narrated with a charming southern accent.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura enjoyed Where the Crawdads Sing and found it a captivating read.

  • Tyler BergPositive Sentiment
    Tyler Berg

    Viget Alum

    Tyler loved Where the Crawdads Sing, finished it over the weekend

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura is excited to discuss Where the Crawdads Sing and hear your thoughts on this captivating novel. Please fill out the form to share your input!