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A Psalm for the Wild-Built

Becky Chambers

A Psalm for the Wild-Built


0 Negative Sentiment
2 Neutral Sentiment
2 Positive Sentiment
  • Jackson FoxNeutral Sentiment
    Jackson Fox

    Jackson recently enjoyed A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers, a meditative and philosophical sci-fi story with interesting world building.

  • Lexie GarciaPositive Sentiment
    Lexie Garcia

    Lexie also loved Psalm for the Wild-Built by the same author.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura shared a novella for consideration called A Psalm for the Wild-Built.

  • Laura SweltzPositive Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura recommends A Psalm for the Wild-Built as a new series starter that explores existential questions and relationships.