All Books

Mistborn Trilogy

Brandon Sanderson

Mistborn Trilogy


0 Negative Sentiment
1 Neutral Sentiment
4 Positive Sentiment
  • Claire Atwell EisingerPositive Sentiment
    Claire Atwell Eisinger

    Claire is currently reading the first book in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy.

  • Lexie GarciaPositive Sentiment
    Lexie Garcia

    Lexie is starting Mistborn after switching gears from The Song Rising.

  • Jackson FoxNeutral Sentiment
    Jackson Fox

    Jackson is catching up on the newer *Mistborn* books by Brandon Sanderson.

  • Jackson FoxPositive Sentiment
    Jackson Fox

    Jackson liked the last Mistborn book.

  • BrandonPositive Sentiment

    Viget Alum

    Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn is a captivating read with a unique magic system.