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True copies of the insolent, cruell, barbarous, and blasphemous letter lately written by the Great Turke, for denouncing of warre against the King of Poland: and of the magnanimous, and most christian answere made by the said king thereunto. With a short preface, declaring the vniust cause on which this Turkish tyrant, and faithlesse enemy of Christendome, now layeth hold to inuade it. Published in print by authoritie, the 11. of Iune. 1621

Ahmed I Sultan of the Turks

True copies of the insolent, cruell, barbarous, and blasphemous letter lately written by the Great Turke, for denouncing of warre against the King of Poland: and of the magnanimous, and most christian answere made by the said king thereunto. With a short preface, declaring the vniust cause on which this Turkish tyrant, and faithlesse enemy of Christendome, now layeth hold to inuade it. Published in print by authoritie, the 11. of Iune. 1621


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  • Carolyn HackNeutral Sentiment
    Carolyn Hack

    Carolyn picked up an on-hold copy at the library yesterday.