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Cat's Breakfast: Kurt Vonnegut Tribute (Third Flatiron Anthologies Book 19)

Jonathan Shipley

Konstantine Paradias

James Beamon

Iain Hamilton McKinven

Jill Hand

Anne E. Johnson

Vaughan Stanger

Dan Koboldt

Rati Mehrotra

Benjamin C. Kinney

David A. Kilman

Tim Jeffreys

Gregg Chamberlain

Christorpher Mark Rose

Keyen Bowes

Peter Hagelslag

James Lairamore

Ville Nummenpaa

Rekha Valliappan

August Marion

S.E. Foley

James Dorr

John J Kennedy

Ryan Dull

Veronica Moyer

Corrie Parrish

Neil James Hudson

Laurence Raphael Brothers

E.E. King

Edward Ahern

Cat's Breakfast: Kurt Vonnegut Tribute (Third Flatiron Anthologies Book 19)


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  • J SpollNeutral Sentiment
    J Spoll

    Viget Alum

    J thinks Vonnegut’s books should be considered classics, with Mother Night being the favorite.