All Books


W. F. Jackson Knight



0 Negative Sentiment
3 Neutral Sentiment
1 Positive Sentiment
  • Elyse KamibayashiNeutral Sentiment
    Elyse Kamibayashi

    Viget Alum

    Elyse's roommate is reading that book and she might borrow it when her roommate is done.

  • Elyse KamibayashiNeutral Sentiment
    Elyse Kamibayashi

    Viget Alum

    Elyse jumps back and forth between the present day and key moments from the book's history.

  • Elyse KamibayashiPositive Sentiment
    Elyse Kamibayashi

    Viget Alum

    Elyse has a copy of a book to lend out to others.

  • Erica LicariNeutral Sentiment
    Erica Licari

    Viget Alum

    Erica mentioned Elyse in the conversation but did not provide any further details.