All Books

The Regulators

Richard Bachman

The Regulators


0 Negative Sentiment
3 Neutral Sentiment
2 Positive Sentiment
  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura recommended The Regulator as a favorite indie book.

  • Pascale GeorgesPositive Sentiment
    Pascale Georges

    Viget Alum

    Pascale also thinks Regulator is a good choice.

  • Laura SweltzNeutral Sentiment
    Laura Sweltz

    Laura mentioned The Regulator as one of the favorite local indie bookstores.

  • Annie KileyPositive Sentiment
    Annie Kiley

    Viget Alum

    Annie received exceptional service from Elliot who drove The Regulator book to her house during quarantine.