All Books

The Book of Tea

Okakura Kakuzo

The Book of Tea


0 Negative Sentiment
3 Neutral Sentiment
0 Positive Sentiment
  • Elyse KamibayashiNeutral Sentiment
    Elyse Kamibayashi

    Viget Alum

    Elyse mentioned The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzō.

  • Becky Bowring RadnaevNeutral Sentiment
    Becky Bowring Radnaev

    Viget Alum

    Becky is intrigued by _The Book of Tea_ and expresses a need for it.

  • Elyse KamibayashiNeutral Sentiment
    Elyse Kamibayashi

    Viget Alum

    Elyse finished The Book of Tea by Kakuzō Okakura over the weekend and is now really into traditional Japanese tea ceremonies.